SCALING UP NATIONAL MENTAL HEALTH - mhAWADFON 8th General Stakeholders Council Meeting

That there is a need to scale up mental health services as well as address the issues of stigmatization is something that cannot be denied.To this end, the Mental Health Awareness Advocacy Foundation of Nigeria
(mhAWADFON)was founded to address the tremendous gap inherent in the area of mental health in the country by creating a platform whereby all relevant stakeholders can unite to achieve maximum impact in the area of mental health. The Mental Health Awareness Advocacy Foundation of Nigeria (mhAWADFON) is a Coalition of Individuals, health professionals of all cadres, and organizations, united by a focus to promoting and supporting positive mental health in all ramifications. mhAWADFON is a nationally registered body and is committed to building a strong collaborative network with key stakeholders in mental health at local, state, national and International levels. mhAWADFON had its 8th General Stakeholders' Council Meeting on 14th of May, 2015 at Davies Hotel, Ibadan, where vital issues were discussed on moving mental health issues to the front burner for the betterment of the nation. Please kindly support her activities by liking her Facebook and twitter pages. Thank you.
